7 Jun 2011

You really are beautiful....

This time of year, in the run up to summer, seems to be the time when people everywhere (myself included) start excessively worrying about how they look or how they 'should' look in anticipation of wearing less in the summer heat.
Pictures of bikini-clad models with flawless skin and legs up to their armpits are shoved into our faces everywhere we look, in the hope of selling us some amazing wonder product that will make us look like them....
Today was one of those days where I was worrying about having to up my workouts to get in shape and increase my beauty regime in an attempt to banish my cellulite and uneven skin (like these adverts keep telling me I should) so I can look polished and proud when I have to brave it in my bikini on my holiday in two months. *yawn* It's the same process every year...

Then, when reading through my blog roll this morning, I read something that made me smile and gave me a metaphoric slap in the face as if to say 'Samantha stop being so bloody negative about yourself'.

Please please please take a moment to read this post from *Bitch Cakes*

I promise you it will be worth it.
And remember no matter what size you are, whatever supposed 'imperfections' you think you may have,


Manths xx

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